Fall 2024 Academic Calendar
Aug. 22, Thursday
Residence Halls open for first-year students.
Aug. 25, Sunday
Residence Halls open for all students.
Aug. 26, Monday
Classes begin, 8:00 a.m.
Aug. 26–27, Monday–Tuesday
Check-in and registration confirmation.
Aug. 30, Friday
Drop/Add deadline for first 7-week courses and 14-week courses.
Sept. 3, Tuesday
Last day to declare S/U option in a first 7-week course. Last day to declare a course audit. #
Sept. 4, Wednesday
Regular withdrawal deadline for first 7-week courses. Last day to cancel S/U# option for a first 7-week course.
Sept. 6, Friday
Last day to declare an S/U option in a 14-week course.
Sept. 13, Friday
Regular withdrawal deadline for 14-week courses. Last day to cancel S/U option for a 14-week course. Extended withdrawal deadline for first 7-week courses. **
Sept. 27, Friday
Late withdrawal deadline for first 7-week courses. *
Oct. 4, Friday
Extended withdrawal deadline for 14-week courses. **
Oct. 11, Friday
Mid-term break begins, 10 p.m. End of first 7-week courses.
Oct. 12, Saturday–Oct. 15, Tuesday
Fall mid-term break.
Oct. 16, Wednesday
Mid-term break ends, 8 a.m. Start of second 7-week courses.
Oct. 22, Tuesday
Mid-term grades due by 10 am. Drop/Add deadline for second 7-week courses.
Oct. 24, Thursday
Last day to declare S/U option for a second 7-week course. Last day to declare course audit for second 7-week course.
Oct. 25, Friday
Regular withdrawal deadline for second 7-week courses. Last day to cancel S/U option for a second 7-week course.
Oct. 28–Nov. 7, Monday–Thursday
2025 Spring semester registration by class begins.
Nov. 1, Friday
Late withdrawal deadline for 14-week courses. *
Nov. 5, Tuesday
Extended withdrawal deadline for second 7-week courses. **
Nov. 19, Tuesday
Late withdrawal deadline for second 7-week courses. *
Nov. 26, Tuesday
Thanksgiving recess begins, 10:00 p.m.
Dec. 2, Monday
Classes resume, 8 a.m.
Dec. 6, Friday
Classes end, 10:00 p.m., Celebration of Mid-Year Graduates
Dec. 7–8, Saturday–Sunday
Reading Days.
Dec. 9–12, Monday–Thursday
Final examinations.
Dec. 13, Friday
Residence halls close, 3 p.m.
Dec. 17, Tuesday
Final grades due, 10 a.m.
# Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option.
* Late withdrawal policy: students may take a late withdrawal from a total of 12 semester hours of coursework during their Susquehanna career. Students must submit a Late Withdrawal form which is available in myNest.
** Extended withdrawal for new first-semester first-year students only. Students must submit a form which is available in myNest.